
Week 3 Reading Diary Part D

Source. Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913).
I enjoy how there was a build-up of suspense in Part B, then a journey in Part C of the Ramayana. Again, the end of Part C has an intense cliff hanger suspense build-up. Followed by in Part D, we see again a long adventurous journey that will take place. I enjoy the various adventures throughout the Ramayana and this was my favorite. Again this was one of the topics I was intrigued by when brainstorming for storybook topics.
  • Rama shall not be stopped by any obstacles in between, not even an ocean.
  • Sita is forced to see the perish of many soldiers of Rama's army by Indrajit, son of Ravana.
  • Along with Ravana's superpowers, he employs his giant brother, Kumbhakarna, to attack the armies of Rama.
  • Hanuman miraculousy heals the army of monkeys and bears and saves them from perish with a magical medical mountain.
  • Many illusions are used on Rama and Sita to make them give in to their dire hope to be reunited, however nothing prevails.
  • The death of Ravana's son, Indrajit, drives Ravana to extreme levels of anger and blood thirsty revenge.
  • We see that no matter what Ravana brings to defeat Rama, or anyone in his army, he will not succeed. As the gods have already predetermined that Rama will bring death to Ravana. In which he succeedingly does with none other than the Brahma-weapon.
  • Rama and Sita are not immediately reunited, as she seeks first approval by a fire god, Agni, who indeed sets them to be together again.
  • Rama returns to Ayodhya just in time to prevent the death of Bharata, his brother, and is finally named King of his rightful throne.
  • In a drastic turn of events, Sita is exiled by Rama and then departs the world that is known. And eventually Lakshmana and Rama do the same.

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