
Famous Last Words: Week 3

This week I did exceptionally well on interpreting the Ramayana. I felt as if I was able to keep track of a majority of the characters in the story. In addition, I was able to remember past characters that again became revelant in later parts of the Ramayana. It is so much easier to understand and interpret the Ramayana when you understand all the small relationships that occur between all of the characters of the story. As I mentioned in my storytelling post, I was shocked at the ending of the Ramayana and felt as if it should've stopped three episodes earlier with Rama being crowned the King of Ayodhya. However, I was able to make up for it with my alternate ending I came up with.

Classes this week in general have started to ramp up in difficulty. I have been unsuccessful in completing any of my homework's in other classes thus far. I am hoping to meet up with some of the other petroleum engineers in this online course and collaborate on how to finish the production engineering first assignment. In addition, I have a lab report that is soon approaching its due date that I want to try and complete as soon as possible. This is of course so I can be free for Super Bowl Sunday and pray a victory for Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos. On that note I hope the Broncos win so Peyton Manning can retire and go out on top as a hero. Also I don't want his little brother, Eli Manning, to have more Super Bowl rings than him because he is just simply not as likeable.
The best QB ever, Peyton Manning (silverandblueblood)

All in all this past week hasn't been too bad and I'm looking forward to starting our new reading, Mahabharata.

1 comment:

  1. Tyler,

    I too did not like the ending of the Ramayana, but I did enjoy your take on it. I will try and implement this technique into my future stories as well.

    I too am looking forward to the Super Bowl game today. I really hope Peyton Manning wins his final game of his career. He is a great QB and even better guy. I bet it will be a great game today. Have fun watching.
