
Comment Wall

Seven Tomorrows=my life (Time Management Meme)

Van Morrison- Brown Eyed Girl
Just a good song, that's it.

Comment here about any of my posts!


  1. Tyler, just wanted to reconnect with one of my Petroleum buds. I took your advice on changing up my blog due to it being hard to read! Please check out my new blog. Also, thanks for the comments on all of my posts. If you are interested in reading new books let me know and maybe we can share some books we both enjoy! Nice talking to ya!

  2. Hey Tyler,

    I randomly came upon your blog today. I really like the song that you choose to upload. It is a very upbeat song that makes you feel good while listening to it. I love the music during that time period so I am glad that someone else enjoys it too. It would be awesome if you could find an actual music video to upload! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hey Tyler,

    Classic rock, and this song in particular, remind me of family times at the lake and also summer time by the pool. The beat of this song has always sounded sort of tropical to me. It is a classic feel good song that many people have dedicated to loved ones. This song gets me excited to be pool side and go to the lake this summer.

  4. Hi Tyler,

    I enjoyed listening to Van Morrison’s Brown Eyed Girl. This song used to come on all the time at my previous job when the satellite radio played. Boy did I take listening to music at work for granted. It’s really is a great song to listen to. This song is easy going and upbeat at the same time. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Hi Tyler!

    I like the way you have set up your blog comment wall. I like that you have put a carpe diem picture at the beginning. One suggestion I might have is to add a little comment below the picture as to why you choice it. I also like your addition of a song. It is a good song.


  6. Hi Tyler,

    This was a nice song to put on your blog. Was Van Morrison the original singer of this song? It has a nice beat. It seems like a song you would hear at the beach or when you are just hanging out with friends. It is definitely a song that puts you in a good mood. Thanks for a great upload.

  7. Hi, Tyler!

    I LOVE your choice of music video. I also went more old school with my choice—you really can’t beat that era for music. This is such a classic song, and it’s great to sing along to. While I personally enjoy Jimmy Buffet’s version the most, you sometimes can’t beat the original. It almost makes me wish I had brown eyes. Nice choice!
