
Brainstorming Storybook Topics

Most of my interest into the following topics was queued from research/reading through the public domain edition of the Ramayana or just fascination with the certain type of stories these topics appear in. Additionally, I found some information through Wikipedia about Karma and its role throughout the Ramayana and moreover Hinduism.

Rakshasas and Asuras (Demons)

The “Vishvamitra” episode is what first intrigued me to this possible topic. I enjoyed the way this story was written and how the evil rakshasas were portrayed. In addition, I found it fascinating on how the two demons Maricha and Subahu could only be defeated by non-other than Rama. I also found it entertaining on how Rama defeated the female rakshasa with his mighty bow and hefty arrows. I am curious to see how future encounters with Rakshasas might be defeated or may even prevail over the protagonist in the story. I would like to learn more about how these creatures are developed and which ones have different weaknesses. 

Rama and Lakshmana battle the rakshasas (Wikimedia)

Warriors, Battles and Weapons

This topic intrigues me just because of all the obvious manly reasons. I like stories with confrontation and spectacular battles. I also enjoy the methods in which different warriors must be taken down. There is a strategy when it comes down to which weapon must be taken into battle to take down a certain antagonist. This topic also somewhat ties into the Rakshasas and Asuras topic I am a fan of.

Geography Stories: Traveling India

This topic interests myself because I have an adventurous personality that needs to be satisfied. I also think that the Himalayan mountains are fascinating because of Mount Everest of course. In addition, I enjoy a good adventure story like the one I wrote about the Woods of Tennessee during week 1. Another reason I believe I might like this topic is because explorers/travelers on the journey seem to always encounter a great struggle. This may either be a battle or a hidden demon, whatever the matter, it coincides with the liking of my previous two topics.


Unlike the previous three topics, I like this topic because I have always been fascinated by the idea of Karma. I find it interesting that this topic is sometimes portrayed as a person in the Ramayana and other times it shows up subtly without announcement. My personal struggle with Karma has been always to determine if coincidence or Karma is the blame for future outcomes. I am curious to learn more about how the belief of Karma is stretched through Hindu belief. In addition, I noticed that many previous students have chosen this topic for their storybooks, therefore it must be an excellent topic.

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