
Growth Mindset Exploration

Before watching these videos I had never heard of Carol Dweck. I find her message very inspiring as well and it reminds me of a particular instance when I was able expand my personal imagination. One day in calculus class it dawned on me on how to get my mind to visualize and interpret things three dimensionally. It wasn't something that I was necessarily taught how to do rather than just being introduced to the concept of expanding that critical thought process. It is an amazing thing what the mind can do, if you just plant the seed and let the brain take over the rest. In her video "Make challenge the New Comfort Zone", I find it difficult to get my mind to have these epiphany's, like the one when I was finally able to fathom three dimensional analysis. However the brain is not one to underestimate or ever give up on, and I try to make it a point to have this healthy critical thinking on my mind at least once a week. In addition when this mindset is reached, a whole new level of success is obtained. Your mind and body felt like they have opened a whole new realm of possibilities and scenarios for a given topic.

Mind Expansion (Louis Dyer)


  1. I found it interesting to read about your experience with educational epiphanies. I have had similar experiences, but I have not really stopped to dwell on them like you have. For me, understanding the foundation of a concept is the only way to truly know it, otherwise you are just memorizing things for a test, and not putting them in your long term memory.

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