
Famous Last Words Week 2

Famous last words of Books

This week I was proud of myself in accomplishing both of the reading assignments assigned. It is always a good feeling to get the semester off right and not be behind or piling up late work. I am looking forward to keeping this momentum going through the semester, and it is my goal to not have to do any of the extra credit assignments as replacement grades. I also enjoyed reading the stories of other classmates of Indian Epics this week. I have a few styles of writing that I am again going to try and incorporate in my upcoming writing. I noticed that Susanna used a great deal of dialogue in one of her posts and I want to try and do the same. The hardest part for me is framing the argument, conversation, or commands for the dialogue. In addition, I enjoyed reading a story, by Brooke, of one of the Aesop’s fables. It was also well written and had good use of dialogue throughout the story.

In addition, I felt like I had a good week in my other classes. I actually met two other petroleum engineers taking this online class too, which was neat! We were able to exchange ideas and plans on the idea of starting a storybook versus a portfolio.

Homework has really started to ramp up in my other classes and I am hoping to keep up my writing performance throughout this semester. I am curious to see if I will be able to stick to my original schedule set out at the beginning of the year, or rather just try to get assignments finished whenever I have a breathing moment. My prediction is that the second option will probably be the most likely and I will be scrambling to keep every class balanced. Nevertheless, I am ready for the challenge and anxious to expand my learning. Thanks for reading!

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