
Week 4 Reading Diary: Sita Sings the Blues Part B

I am doing this week's reading all at once because the video is entertaining and I think it will be easier to finish it all at once than splitting it up. I liked the way Part A ended and wish it was the end of the film in total but I am still interested to see what else Nina Paley includes.

  • Soon after the couple gets back Sita is pregnant so Rama is starting to have doubts about Sita's faithfulness.
  • I feel bad for the position that Rama is in because his people do not respect him and he wants to be a good King and a good Husband.
  • Lakshmana has finally entered the story but only to take Sita back into exile which seems different than the original version I read in week two and three.
  • Rama's Sons in Sita's Womb
  • Sita gives birth to twins and they are Rama's sons.
  • Valmiki is in the forest and Sita tells him her entire story. Valmiki is also the one who teaches the twins to sing praises of Rama
  • The narrators debate over Sita's devotion and I agree with them. Rama has not treated Sita very well and she has an undying love and devotion for her.
  • Rama is excessive in his need for Sita to prove her purity even after he sees that the twins are his.
  • The film ends with Sita leaving them behind 
Reading Guide and the film are found here

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