
Famous Last Words: Week 4

This week was especially tough in all of my classes. Mostly because the homeworks that were assigned were especially long and took much of my time this week. As a result, I am not super pleased with my storytelling for week four however I believe that it can be improved with later revisions. My best writing came through with the revisions I performed on my week two story. Thanks to a lot of help from Laura and some time, I was able to enhance the delivery of my story. I feel as if now it gives the reader a more engaging feel when he or she reads it. I changed the sentence structure of a few sentences from passive to active by either changing the main verb of the sentence or changing the whole sentence all together. I never realized before that when telling stories that this could have such an impact, but now I realize the impact it has on the reader. I hope to continue to improve my writing skills as this online course progresses. Fixing minor grammar mistakes each week also helps me to refine my skills as a short story teller. In the end this is also helping me outside of this class in my other writings. For me, it is like getting another English class while taking this course and reminding me of the proper etiquette of writing.
Brave Soul (cuddlebuggery)
I am appreciative of what this class has already offered me and am looking forward to more. At first I was overwhelmed with the word count and workload, but now I am really handling it well. Three hundred or five-hundred words is nothing now for me to get done within an hour and be of quality work. My goal for next week is to continue polishing my writing skills and also time manage my tasks in this class and in my others. It will be especially tough this week because I have a close approaching test in my structural and stratigraphic geology class. Thanks for reading.

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