
Growth Mindset Meme: Comfort Zone

Outside our comfort zone (cheezburger)

One of the hardest things for myself and I'm sure many others is stepping outside our comfort zone and trying something foreign. The reason I picked this meme is because it is often very true that we find happiness in the things that we never expected we would, that are outside our normal comfort zone. Thanks for reading.


  1. Tyler,
    i totally agree with your picture here. All the good stuff and things that we desire are outside our comfort zone. We have to step out of our comfort zone so that we can get better in life and even sometime know ourself better and learn our own behaviors. I hope you do well on this. I wish you all the best.

  2. Tyler,
    i totally agree with your picture here. All the good stuff and things that we desire are outside our comfort zone. We have to step out of our comfort zone so that we can get better in life and even sometime know ourself better and learn our own behaviors. I hope you do well on this. I wish you all the best.
