
Growth Mindset Meme: Dare to Fail

Growth Mindset Meme 

I picked this meme because it may be silly but it reinforces daring to try anything. This cat may or may not get caught stealing these burgers, but it will have at least tried to complete a goal/dream. Therefore, no matter how big or how small, every dream is worth chasing. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Tyler,
    It is not what you get in life but it is what you did to get it, i think dream big and dare to fail is a perfect way to work on projects. Trying is what matters the most and i totally agree with you on it. I agree on each and every word that you said. Dreams are neither big nor small, dreams are dream. I hope you all the best and hope you can in force some of this idea into your life too.
