
Famous Last Words: Week 6

This week has been a very up and down week. In my other classes I had a test on Monday and on Tuesday which made for a hectic studying situation. I feel as if I did better on my formation evaluation test on Tuesday however intuitively the Monday test should have been easier. I guess I really wont know until I get the grade back in both classes but those are just my initial gut feelings. Nonetheless I am glad to be done with them and next week should contain a lighter load, as I only have one test on Wednesday in my production engineering course.
Fist pumping baby meme (car-memes)
In this class I was happier with part c and d of the assigned Mahabharata readings. The plot really began to thicken and actually become apparent. In addition, it was nice that the amount of characters to keep up with in the story wasn't so vast. I also was more pleased with the ending of the Mahabharata than the previous epic we read, the Ramayana. Also this week I felt that my storytelling wasn't the best I've had on initial writes, but it was definitely not the worst. I would say "The revenge of Arjuna" will eventually make my portfolio after a few edits and maybe a few more developing plot lines. This story was a little more difficult to write because I attempted to write the story using a sidekick view as suggested by one of the styles in Laura Gibb's assignment. I struggled with whether or not to add dialogue, but I ended up not putting any. I was pleased with the different view it gave on my story and it helped provide more detail of the events than just a first person narrative. I am looking to possibly expand and try another technique next. Thanks for reading and have a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I'm travelling back in time reading this post! This was me one year ago, and I truly feel for you and where you are. I'm sure you already know, but next semester does get easier.
    I think it is a great idea to change the style types you use in writing. I really need to take this advice more. I am glad to hear that you tried one you never had before and you really like it (that gives me hope).
