
Pebble Beach.. My Favorite Place

One of my favorite places in the world is the Pebble Beach golf course in California. 

A view from the 6th hole bordering the Pacific Ocean
Bernard Gagnon   Source: Wikipedia


  1. Thanks again for getting started on the blogging, Tyler - this looks super, with text image, links, all the stuff you need to keep on blogging... now if only we could just hit some real-world link button and magically find ourselves ON Pebble Beach! :-)

  2. Hello again!

    I must say that looks really pretty! I have never been a huge fan of the beach. The main reason is that last time I was in California I got hammered by three huge waves and it me…uneasy about the ocean. However that does look like a very calm place. Still, all the sad and salt!

    Have Fun!
