I was intrigued by the title of this storybook because my favorite animal is an elephant. I enjoyed exploring this storybook's links and seeing the different ways elephant's were portrayed. It was almost as if using a label, every time an elephant was mentioned in a story.
Most of the stories within this storybook were hard for me to follow however were interesting none the less. One thing I did find interesting about this particular story was how the elephant was portrayed as having three heads or possibly even looking three different directions.
This storybook collection brought humor to me. This was because of the type of stories these were and the audience they were for. Again, much of the content was difficult to understand, however I found the purpose of many of these stories intriguing. For example, one is titled "Vibhishana's good Karma". I enjoy stories with a lesson or hidden lesson at the end of them.
Image Information: Karma as an Action and Reaction; Web Source: Wikimedia Commons
I was not as fond of the design layout of this particular storybook as compared to the others. As it stands it was of course fine and functional, but was just missing some kind of an attention grabber once you arrived at the home page from the main link.
This storybook was probably my favorite one of the ones I explored. It had a catchy title which appealed to my inner treasure hunter personality. It also had a yet simple but perfectly matching background for the homepage picture to go along with the map. I really enjoyed Ms. Rodgers setup of the rest of her stories and how the "Graduation Present" story leads into the next story "Janakpurdham"

Map of India, Wikimedia Commons
All in all I'm not sure what I will choose as far as my midterm project is concerned. However I do like these storybooks and I have some ideas if I am going to make one of my own.
I like how you included a relevant picture or image for all of your favorite stories, it helped me to visualize the parts of the stories that stuck with you the most. Also, all your stories seemed fairly varied to me, you didn't just focus on one theme or type of writing, which made your opinions more interesting to read. Thanks for sharing.